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Romed alcohol preps, 65 x 30mm 2ply, pack of 100 wipes

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Romed alcohol preps, 65 x 30mm 2ply, pack of 100 wipes
Price with VAT : 2,80 EUR
VAT:21 %
Availability:In stock

Alcohol preps for single-use disinfection, cleaning and degreasing of the skin before applying a new CGM sensor or injection.

  • Romed 2 ply Pre Injection Swabs
  • Individually and hygienically sealed
  • Antiseptic for cleaning skin prior to injection.
  • Thickness 0,035 mm, 2-ply,
  • Dimensions prep: 65 x 30 mm ± 2 mm
  • Active ingredient: 70% isopropyl alcohol
  • Inactive ingredient: water
  • Liquid 0,4 – 0,6 ml per package
  • Alcohol contents ± 0.02 g/cm2, which is ± 0.45 per piece
  • Foil package: paper, aluminium foil and plastic.

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