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Bag for easy carrying of diabetic accessories and personal belongings.

A simple and practical pen case for diabetic aids and personal belongings.

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Bag for easy carrying of diabetic accessories and personal belongings.
Bag for easy carrying of diabetic accessories and personal belongings.Bag for easy carrying of diabetic accessories and personal belongings.
Price with VAT : 12,80 EUR
VAT:21 %
Availability:In stock

Especially adult and young ladies will appreciate the girl's design of this pencil case, which makes life easier for people with diabetes.

The perfect layout of the inner space allows the constant presence of the glucometer, test strips and needles.

The back is equipped with a case that keeps the insulin and applicator at the optimal temperature even in the summer heat. Of course there is a place for personal belongings.

Size 5 x 19 x 10 cm.

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